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Jumat, 28 September 2012

Contest Win at

Kemenangan di Kontes
1. kontes Packaging Design (Mayora Biscuit) brand : JAM O JAM
2. kontes Logo Design : Piring Kecil Resto
3. kontes Logo Design : QUICK CUT haircut/salon
4. kontes Packaging Design brand : DESQUA air mineral cup
5. kontes Packaging Design (private label) brand : Merbabu
6. kontes Packaging Design brand : LEVIOS air mineral cup
7. kontes Packaging Design (jam label) brand : MATOA
8. kontes Packaging Design (bihun pack) brand : Merbabu
9. kontes Mascot (Bottle & Plastic Industry)
10. kontes Mascot (Chinese Basketball Tournament)
11. kontes Mascot (toko Mahkota gold Surabaya)
12. kontes Logo Design (Klinik Bersalin) : Medisca Winonna
13. kontes Logo Design : Mister Gorengan
14. kontes Packaging Design (Kinesa product beverages) brand : LILO orange flav
15. kontes Mascot (Riki the Rhino)
16. kontes Mascot Arjuna Elektronik
17. kontes Packaging Kelintji Mas (playing card)
18. kontes Label Design : Habbatussauda GOLD
19. kontes Label Design : MADU KUANSING
20. kontes Packaging Teh WALINI (sample product pack)
21. kontes Logo Design : Golden Lotus bakery
22. kontes Label Design Botol Shower Cream, brand : SENSACION
23. kontes Label Design : BACANG SHANGHAI
24. kontes Mascot (Family Recreation Centre)
25. kontes Label Design : Madu Riau SUPER GOLD
26. kontes Packaging Design Skipjack Tuna (Vacuum bag) OCEAN STAR
27. kontes Packaging Design (pillow bag) Kacang Kulit Organik PEANO
28. kontes Logo Design : Rajawali Toys
29. kontes Packaging Design (box+sachet) Gula Aren Semut LARENKU
30. kontes Packaging Design Snack KERIPIK PISANG KETAWA

akun mrsanee bisa anda lihat disini :

2 komentar:

  1. Saya heran... dapet gambar2 bagus buat ilustrasi dari mana toh? misalnya Jeruk untuk minuman Lilo Jeruk apa pake software 3D? sakti banget kayaknya... huebat-huebat...

  2. Hebat... Desainnya Bisa Enak Dilihat, Mengena Di hati, Bermakna, dan Pokoke Lengkap deh... TOP BANGET Dech....


Full service-products packaging design. - Spesialis Desain Kemasan/ Label/ Produk - Desain untuk Produk Promo (POS, banner, billboard, Sign,stiker, spanduk, brosur, dll) - Logo Perusahaan dan Logo Produk

Design Logo3

Design Logo3
Fashionist Butik Store

Design Logo2

Design Logo2
My Hola Batik

Design Logo

Design Logo
Baja Arta Persada


Biscuit Sandwich

portofolio 1

portofolio 1
Yogurt Biscuit

Portofolio 4

Portofolio 4
Lervia Milk Soap

Portofolio 2

Portofolio 2
Harmony Fruity Soap

Arsip Blog

Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

Portofolio 3

Portofolio 3
SUNCO Palm Oil



Liquid Base

Liquid Base
Pizzi product

Candy Product

Candy Product
Milk Candy

Private Label

Private Label
Indomaret Liquid Product

Pharmacy Product

Pharmacy Product
Mediglobe product

Snack product

Snack product
GO Disco

Mengenai Saya
